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Chicken & Tofu Teriyaki


Healthy Recipe

Chicken & Tofu Teriyaki

by merakiidea

Ingredients ?

Cauliflower Rice :
  • Cauliflower 
  • Oil 
  • Seasoning (pepper,salt, & stevia )
Main Ingredients :
  • Tofu 
  • Breast Chicken 
  • 1 tsp Teriyaki Sauce
  • Garlic 
  • Onion 
  • 1 tsp Oyster Sauce
  • 1 tsp Soy Sauce
  • Seasoning (pepper,salt, & stevia )
  • 50 ml water

How to make it ?

  1. To make Cauliflower Rice. First Chopped Cauliflower Rice with Chopper until the texture is a little smooth 
  2. Pre Heat pan with little bit oil. Than Sauted Cauliflower Rice until little bit brown
  3. Add Seasoning on Cauliflower Rice and set aside
  4. To make Chicken and Tofu Teriyaki. First Clean the Chicken breast and cut into dice and marinated that with Soy Sauce,Oyster Sauce, and Teriyaki Sauce for 15-30 minutes
  5. Cut Tofu into dice and sauted until the surface little bit brown
  6. After that chopped Garlic and Onion
  7. Pre Heat pan with little bit oil and sauted chopped garlic and onion first until fragrant. And then add Chicken Marinated and sauted until the chicken well done 
  8. After you make sure the chicken cook well done add Tofu and stir it together and add 50 ml water. Cook until the sauce absord well and add seasoning on them 
  9. Plating with cauliflower Rice 
  10. And ready to serve

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