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Banana & Stawberry Oatmeal


Healthy Recipe

Banana & Stawberry Oatmeal

by merakiidea

Ingredients ?

  • 1 ripe banana 
  • Stawberry 
  • Almond seed
  • 1 tsp Granola Instant 
  • Raisins
  • 1 cup of Oat Instant 
  • Honey 
  • +/- 100 ml Hot Water
  • Cinamon powder

How to make it ?

  1. Mash half of ripe banana in the bowl 
  2. Add 1 cup of Oat instant or you can used Cooked Oat 
  3. Add amount of cinamon powder 
  4. Add +/- 100 ml Hot Water 
  5. Mixing together 
  6. Cut the stawberry into half
  7. For the topping you can add half of ripe banana, stawberry, granola, almond seed and raisins
  8. And finish with honey on top 
  9. Ready to serve 
* if you like to add more flavor to your oat you can add peanut butter/ mapple syrups, etc


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