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101 Tips: Boost your CV/Resume

  JobSeeker 101 Tips:Boost your CV/Resume



Welcome and Congratulation for you who accepted to be part of chemical engineering student. Here I liked to share with you some book for your prepation to entered college life.

Bahasa Inggris 

Cambrige  Professional English in use Engineering

Oxford Dictionary of Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Vocabulary

Kimia Teknik

Principles of General Chemistry 

Chemistry principles and Reaction 7th Edition

Chemistry principles and Reaction 7th Edition

Kimia Analisis

Vogels Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis

Schaum's Beginning Chemistry 3rd Edition

Modern Analytical Chemistry 

Vogels Textbook of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Innorganic Analysis

Fisika Teknik 

Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering  7th Edition

Chemical Engineering Design 

Download link

Fundamental of Physics 10th Edition

Fundamental of Physics 9th Edition

Problem Solvers Physics

Schaums College Physics 9th Edition

3000 Solved problem Physics

Matematika Teknik I

Schaums Calculus sixth Edition

Basic mathematics with application to science and technology

Beginning Calculus

If you have any problem with download link don't be hesitate to contact me at any social media that i used or you can reply / comment on bellow here and please give some feedback to support me. Thank you 


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